Friday, August 7, 2009


So two Sundays was my only day off until god only knows when. I am tired. It doesn't help that I have been going out a lot. I mean I wasn't going out much at all for awhile there but now that I am working practically every night, I get off and I want to go unwind with my friends. So, I have been going to grab a cocktail or two after work sometimes. It's having a pretty profound effect on me I am dosing off as I type. I feel my soft yet slightly sore eyelids drooping. I blink multiple times to fight it off. It's not working; I briefly close my eyes and my thoughts are riddled with "wake up this is a bad idea" and "who cares they are going to fire you anyway"...and then I desperately try to snap out of it before the next person walks by...I'm doing a little better Its almost noon I think I am finally waking up. I can't keep this up for too much longer...Cant wait till Japan I will finally be able to sleep.

1 comment:

AlanaMarie said...

silly goose, there will be no sleep in Japan, only housework for you