Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Adventure!

Well that's it there's no turning back...okay if i really wanted to I could change my mind but I would have to be insane to do that. I've turned in my notice at work and the move is less than a month away! I can't wait!!

My sister is here and I have a yucky cold. I'm super medicating myself in hopes I will be better soon though.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm writing a blog at school during Astronomy because they are going over the test and I pretty much feel like everyone is being a cry baby because they didn't study so they got crappy grades. I got a crappy grade but I don't feel like crying about it.

However I do feel like crying about the fact that I work for a bunch of jerks and they seem to feel that it is absolutely unnecessary to ever give me time off so that I can visit my boyfriend. I am supposed to leave either tonight or tomorrow to go see my love but work has made every effort possible to fuck me over so that I cannot get my shift covered Friday. Now Bobby has been very accommodating and comes to see me when work wont give me the time off but I am about to move to this new city in a new state and Id kinda like to go spend sometime getting used to it before It's time for me to actually move. Unreasonable I know. Sigh well I'm going to go back to paying attention to my teacher. btw 36 days!!! ^_^

Friday, November 5, 2010

So much change

There are so many things going on in such a short time.

Sister is coming to visit in a few weeks and I couldn't be more thrilled. She is probably my best friend in the whole world so I am really excited to get to see her for a week and then they will be living in the states again so I can just hop on a plane for a few hours and crash her house =).

Other than that the big move is coming up in 41 days! I have lots of insane school work to do. Which is somewhat stressing because I know if the move is in 41 days then my finals are in about 38ish and my big projects are only about two weeks or so away. Time to get down to the grind...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

"bobby" came to visit this weekend. Only 44 more days until I move to Albuquerque! It cant come soon enough! I have just about the whole house packed, letting work know I'm leaving in a few short weeks and getting everything figured out with school.

I pretty much cant wait. Especially on the days following his visits...I go from dealing with it knowing I'll see him soon, to seeing him and being super happy for a few days, to being super sad when he goes and it takes a few days for me to stop being so melancholy.

Over all we had a fabulous weekend and as you can see we were super cute in our cowgirl and turtle costumes ;) xoxo.

It's crazy that one year ago I was in Japan and was in a completely different mindset than I am now. I am so glad I met bobby I'm pretty damn sure this is the best love I've even fallen in.