I feel as though I have very little authority to even express my feelings right now because I know I am not so well educated on the events and the history of the things I am going to
briefly discuss however these things have been effecting my train of thought deeply.
See when I am at work and it is a relatively slow day I spend a good majority of my time reading articles (news or other mindless non-sense) recently I became obsessed, more than obsessed consumed, with the Air France crash in the Atlantic.

I was reading every bit of news that surfaced and felt an overwhelming relief when they finally stated discovering bodies. I don't really know why I have never had such strong emotions about a plane crash before. Maybe it's because I am going to be flying to Japan this fall or maybe it's because I am getting older and realizing the true mortality of the fragile human race. I don't know but things like this in the media have started to consume me. I looked up as many facts about the general area where the plane crashed and searched to see if there were any islands in the area.
Shortly after my infatuation with
airfrance it was the 20
th anniversary for the
Tinanmen Square Massacre. I had never even heard of this before!!!! I mean aren't we supposed to learn about this stuff in school? Anyhow I quickly became intrigued and decided to read up and learn as much as I could. Which I still think could have been a better learning experience for me if it wasn't for the fact that China acts as if it never happened. It's crazy the things in recent history that I never knew about I mean I just read all about the
SLA that was active in the mid-seventies probably two or three months ago for the first time.
I read the story and watched the horrible video of the death of Neda
and it really disturbed me. The fact that no one news station seemed to be reporting the exact same thing about her, the fact that the Iranian government had banned memorial services for her, my lack of the true understanding of whats going on in the rest of the world, and last of all I kinda of expected more of a response from myself to the video. It's pretty effed up the way that society has desensitized us to death. I mean you see her die in that video and there is blood and everything. I should have been crying but I just watched it and felt remorse for her and her family. I wish I would have felt more.
Right now I am trying to figure out who I am and what I stand for. I am trying to take in all these political things that have and are happening around the world and see how I feel. Humans.... so complex.
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