Okay fine, I am a tad dramatic...however it is a fact that bees are declining due to ccd. without the bees to pollinate our food we would face a serious crisis. It wouldn't be and instant extinction for us but bees pollinate approx 15-30% of our food and about 15% of our foods food (I'm talking about livestock). This would significantly impact our food supplies. See now I know how I get when I am hungry....and then I think about when I used to waitress and when people get hungry people get mad. People get vicious and rude. Imagine that on a wide scale; there's not enough food to go around....There would be massive civil warring. Things would go downhill fast for the human race.
This is when I got this crazy idea to get some bees and be a beekeeper...in my backyard...(this was only about three short weeks after the babydoll lamb incident). Pfft I'll admit I get a lot of crazy ideas but, some of them are good! So I

Well, needless to say I have to put my dreams of bees on the back burner for now. I hope someday to be able to have bees though. Maybe even my own honey =) that would make me happy.
all photo's courtesy of Sylvan
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