Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I am really irritated. Granted I know my computer is probably not my fathers first priority but it has been three weeks! I want my computer back. I want access to all my drives. I want to sit at my desk and type my blogs and upload my pictures for them but I can't. Instead I am doing my blogging at work with no access to my photos in a hostile cold uncomfortable atmosphere. It doesn't help that I am really sleepy.

I started my second job last week (waitress) and last night was my last training shift....I'm beat right now not to mention I have been house sitting for the past few weeks so it's get up and go to work by 7:30am then get off at 4:30pm then go check on the dog get changed and go to work by 5:30 6ish and then get home about 10pm try to wind down and go to sleep. The crappy thing is I keep forgetting to eat dinner. It's too early to eat before my second shift and after I just want to crawl into bed =/ *sigh* so anyways good story from my training. It was my third night training and things were going really well, I used to waitress for this company years ago so it has really all just been a review, I was training with this really awesome dude he was super nice and made me more comfortable than anyone else had. So, I get this table that's GF (gluten free) and you know I am trying to accommodate her but we don't have a GF menu so she ends up ordering just a grilled chicken breast. First the salad I brought her I forgot no croutons (mental head slap) then I am at another table when I see them bringing out her food....S O B! they put fries on her plate and its all over her chicken!!! Normally this wouldn't be an issue however our fries are fried in the same oil as other wheat I'm like crap!!! I swoop in and grab her plate and tell her I'll have it fixed right away. I'm feeling pretty heated as I march into the kitchen with my trainer right behind me and put the plate in the window kinda in a "strong voice" say, "guys! gluten free means no french fries!" I told them to fix it and stomped off to check on my table. As I go back into the kitchen to check on my order I hear creepy cook telling Manager 2 and I quote "If that little bitch ever talks to me like that again I'm gonna..." that's apparently when he noticed me. Oh and my trainer started flipping out because he was pissed CC called me a bitch. Anyway I was like oopps....I really didn't mean to piss anyone off or to have it directed at anyone in specific I just wanted it fixed. here I go on a little rant...I dated a guy for several years that I am still friends with who was highly allergic to chicken and a few other things so I know how serious food allergies really are. So that should have been something they took totally seriously and the ticket didn't even say fries any where on it?! well we had just been over not yelling at the cooking in the shift meeting so I'm thinking crap...I'm gonna get reamed M2 got M1 and they took CC in the office to talk to him and then they took my trainer in the office and then it was my turn =( pfft...well they just wanted me to recount the incident, I told them how I remembered it and went on with my night I guess I wasn't in trouble he was for calling me names. Still it was crazy I was like damn wow it's only my third night! but I mean so far everything is cool he apologized to me and I was like whatever dude. I don't really like him not at all. Here is the thing I sat down with M1 last night and we talked about shit we talked about what it was like when I worked at the other location and the things that I see that need improvement at this store and honestly I am hoping that I can make a difference for the better at this store and teach everyone to work as a team.

Back to the rest of my blog...So I think I am going to let that doctor do my tattoo removal. I am terrified but I am ready to do something with my wrists. She seems pretty reputable and like I said I am ready. I will probably start off with one or two treatments before I head off to Japan but we will have to see!

In other news had a 4th of July party (didn't get pictures of my treats **mental head slap**) but it was pretty fun swimming, food, and friends =) GB came and T3, BFF, BFF bf, and some other people I know were there. It was good. Later we went to crash this other party that was LAME!! then I went home hung out with Neo and went to bed. Seriously though I made some awesome treats. There was a triple layer pie, raspberry cupcakes, dirt dessert and I made BLT pasta salad. Other than that hot dogs and hamburgers. Oh!! and BFF's famous apricot brandy slush!

All in all things have been alright lately I just need to get more sleep.

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