Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 12-Photo Challenge

A picture of something I love

Recently I have been teaching myself to cook and I love it I love cooking and making yummy things. Before all I could do was bake and while I was damn good at it I couldn't cook chicken to save my life! Now I can cook all kinds of cool shit. It's pretty fabulous =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 11-Photo Challenge

A picture of something I hate

yep anxiety and the massive amounts of it I get.
(comic from Nataliedee)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 10-Photo Challenge

A picture of the person I do the craziest things with.

Sister deff sister.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Catching up

So I know I my posts have been very sporadic but I have been busy and lazy....Any how I am planning my wedding which is mucho stressful. We have an official date though! November 23, 2011. Going along with family tradition to be married on the 23rd of November it just seemed to work as the perfect date.

I bought my uber expensive dress sigh....but I love it so thats good right?

I have started my garden with pretty flowers and my topsy turvy tomato plant.

I have finished school!!! Yay!! I still need to call and ask if I can take ne
xt semester off. Been cooking a lot. Oh yeah I quit target the job from hell and am looking
for something else with little luck...But I have started to look in restaurants again which isn't what I want to do but I am a waitress and I am damn good at it...well kinda lol ;)

...Oh and this weekend off to Tucson for wedding planning a whole long weekend of it and hopefully a lot of choices will be made!!!

Day 09-Photo Challenge

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

I realize that a picture of myself may seem super conceited but I have learned that while others can do their best to help you it is up to you to pull through and be brave when things get rough. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.

Day 08- Photo Challenge

A picture that makes me laugh

Well it's an exploded box of lucky charms all over my shoes and a shopping cart whats not funny about that lol ^_^

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 07- Photo Challenge

A picture of my most treasured item

Well right now it is definitely my engagement ring that I adore and coincidently my computer is in the background which I would be lost without <3