I have tried to quit smoking several times over the past five years. Obviously unsuccessful if I am trying to quit once again. usually its not too hard for me to give up initially but then a few weeks or so in I get sick of not being able to smoke when I want (usually when I am anxious). I have decided against using patches (they make me sick), gum (it makes me sick too) or pills (I don't like the idea of the suicidal side effect) so instead I use menthol cough drops, sun flower seeds, and drink lots of water! I quit this last Sunday somewhat on a whim. I had been planning to try again soon but Sunday morning I lit up the last of my pack and said to myself ya know what this is it you are going to quit. I haven't had one since and while I am proud of myself today has been rough with some serious withdrawal symptoms. Lovely bf is going to quit too he is suppose to be not smoking anymore when I pick him up from the airport tomorrow. I think it's very sweet he is going to try to stop too because I don't know that I could stop with another smoker in the house. Wish me luck and patience!